I Will Let You Have Your Amour

Anger powered missiles-
you sent words whistling
through the dense air between us
on an intercept course
to every attempt I made to right you

Why must you raise barricades
anytime we have to break walls between us?
Why is every mishap
a model seige warfare for us?
No sooner do I try to broach an apology
than you fling trebuchets of past wrongs at me
Why does every attempt to reach out
cost an arm and some other limbs?
for no sooner do I reach out
than your Sabre-sharp tongue slice through it
Why am I the adversary in a dispute I try to quell?

You say your knives are at the ready
because you see through my two-faced facade
You say you know the likes of me
and will never let your guard down.
You would rather draw battle lines
than talk to me
You would rather meet your war council
than settle a dispute

I say fine
guard your insecure sandcastles of self-doubt
I will move my troops
You decimate my forces with your eternal campaigns

Fine, Naa, fine
I am not here to plunder or loot
but if you must raise your walls this high
I will let you have your armour.

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