
Faith calls me to walk on water
Fear tells me to look at the waves
Fear asks me ,
“Are you qualified?”
“Do you think you can make it?”

I desperately search me for answers
I frantically scoop out answers
AsĀ  fear’s questions drown me
but I still sink

It is then I look to You.
You must definately have the answers
Am I qualified?
You tell me
You made me.
Can I make it?
You tell me
You made me…

Your answer?
It is like an outstretched hand
Pulling me from beneath the waves…
Waves of insecurities
Of fear
of doubt…

Your answer is that voice
that has being echoed from eternity
and has broken into time
and it says to me
“You are more than a conqueror!”

Are you there?
I thought as much!

Destroying Empires

We spoke before we heard
Heard after we had spoken
– We had heard too late,
spoken too early

By then, the deed was already done
For our words-
speed of light traveling,
reached its destination

and unleashed its payload
before the vapour form our mouths disappeared

There was nothing we could do
but to send more words after the first
Words after words laden with the weight of our remorse

Certainly it’s easier to destroy than to build

It takes more than words to build
Yet it only takes a few words to destroy even empires.