Icarus Revived!

Catch yourself!
They never never heard your call
they will never hear your headlong scream
but they will hear the sudden plunge into the depths, Icarus.
Catch yourself!

With whatever is left of your melted wings
Flap, flap again, flap harder.
You dared to dream,
You dared to be ambitious
dared to break barriers
dared to kiss the sun
and failed
Yet we,
earthbound, dreamless and self-contained
who have never felt the  unbound winds beneath our pinions
we, who have never felt the fires of aspiration,
or the interminable tugs of the desire to be more
we, who are ever content to be bound here below
and never climb to the heights
we want to hang you with  your ambitions?
Yet we want to crucify you who broke out of the prison of average
and dared to be more?

Catch yourself!
Lest small-minded men
tell their children the cautionary tale
of a child who dared to dream
who broke free and flew
and flew too close to his ambitions
and died for it
Lest these men steal the dreams from the little children’s sleep
and douse the fires of ambitions with stories half-told
Lest they kill the children in the shackles of contentment

Catch yourself, Icarus!
Flap, flap again, flap harder
Don’t look to these people
who died in contentment
Survive for all those who will aspire to be more
Let not this story be half told
Let the story instead be told
of a boy, who refused to be shackled and broke free,
who took to flight and flew very close to his dreams
but fell and SURVIVED to try again
because, his was the will to be more!
His was the skies to SOAR!

©️ Wordsmith Sam

Photo credit: https://pin.it/20a6gQY