Babylon Falls

Babylon fell

 when the voices of our doubts  rose

when fear took root

and uncertainty became 

the crushing hydraulic silence that pressed 

and pulverized the walls of our potential

We were fat before we became lean 

though the bones existed before the skin 

We were crawling before we blew sky high 

though they said it was not our fate to fly 

We opened windows to birds in mid flight

and exchanged pleasantries with eagles 

We were so high we had no grounds to plant 

our seeds of ingenuity and so had no option

but to ingeniously make them crawl on our  skyhigh walls 

Before Ozymandias, 

We were the first to call out to the world 

“Look on me…” 

But we fell

We fell 

into the mouths of gaping monsters 

-fear’s chimera that wafts in with the breeze of second guesses

Those vapour like needles

punching holes in our confidence 

We were too high 

but it worked us from the roots 

poisoned lies sweetened with comforts 

and peddled by honey-tongued sing-song blackbirds 

We are but clay 

our walls are same 

We rise like ashes when roused 

and are taken by the willful winds 

So when we allow the pools

 of “I cannot” 

to collect at the foot of our walls 

We will ‘osmosify’ it all,

we will fall.

And so will our walls.

And so will our cities fall

And so will we fall

Babylon fell 

under the blunt force 

of unending bludgeonings of fear 

We fell under the constant barrages of doubt’s canons.